Presentation of the medical team
Dr Avi Assouline
Dr Yves Otmezguine
Dr Jean-Nicolas Vaillant
Medical Oncologist
Dr Éric Jauffret
Dr Sylvie Delanian
Dr Marc Irigoin-Guichandut
Nutrition doctor
Dr Yvan Coscas
To make an appointment with a doctor or to find out more about him or her, click on the doctor’s name opposite or in the list below.
Your doctor will establish the different stages of your treatment and suggest the therapeutic protocol defined in collaboration with other specialists during multidisciplinary team meetings (MDTMs).
A personal treatment programme (PPS in French) will then be put forward to you.
Oncologist consultants at the Center
Dr Avi Assouline
To make an appointment with Dr Assouline:
Click here or call +33 1 79 97 20 99,
from Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm.
- Doctor of Medicine
- Specialised postgraduate degree (DES) in Oncology – Option: Radiotherapy
- Specialised complementary postgraduate degree (DESC) in Oncology
- University Diploma (DU) in Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy under stereotactic conditions
- University Diploma (DU) in Radiobiology and radiation protection in radiotherapy
- University Diploma (DU) in Head and Neck oncology
- Master’s degree in Biological and Medical Sciences
- Private oncologist and radiotherapist at Porte de Saint-Cloud Oncology Centre, Boulogne (92), practising Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Curietherapy
- Associate physician in the Radiotherapy department at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in interdisciplinary oncology Multidisciplinary Team Meetings (MDTMs) at Cochin Hospital
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in thoracic oncology MDTMs at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in maxillofacial and ENT oncology MDTMs at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in ENT oncology MDTMs at Lariboisière Hospital
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in Oncology MDTMs at Parc Monceau International Clinic
- Member of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
- Member of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO)
- Member of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
- Member of the French Society for Radiation Oncology (SFRO)
- Former Head of Clinic – Assistant at Paris Faculty of Medicine (Paris VI Faculty of Medicine, Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital Group)
- Former resident physician (AIH)
- Bichat Faculty of Medicine (Paris VII) – Paris Hospitals extern
- Teaching:
- Classes given in university courses:
- Inter-University degree in Interventional Radiology for the treatment of cancer, Faculty of Medicine Paris Ile-de-France Ouest University (2011-2012);
- University Diploma in Clinical Oncology, Pitié-Salpêtrière (2009-2010);
- Lessons for medical students – Faculty of Medicine, Pitié-Salpêtrière (2009-2010);
- Lessons for radiographers at the IFMEN – Pitié-Salpêtrière (2009-2010);
- Lessons for student nurses at IFSI – Pitié-Salpêtrière (2009-2010);
- Resident lecturer (2005-2006).
- Author or co-author of several scientific articles and papers presented at medical conferences in France and around the world:
- Click here to see list of scientific articles
- Click here to see list of papers presented at national and international medical conferences
- Author or co-author of chapters in books for specialized doctors:
- “Chapter 18 - Brain Metastasis after Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer”.
Patricia Tai, Avi Assouline, Kurian Joseph, Joseph Au, Edward Yu.
In : Brain Metastases from Primary Tumors, 2014, Pages 199-211, Editions ELSEVIER (April 2014)
- “Radiothérapie des métastases osseuses”.
Assouline, J.M. Simon, J.J. Mazeron. In: Fractures pathologiques tumorales des os longs, du pelvis, et du rachis, Editions RETY Paris, pp. 51-59 (2009).
- Author of 3 books for medical students:
- 1-"Dossiers D4 Dernier Tour – Module 10 : Cancérologie – Onco-hématologie". Avi Assouline. Collection Dernier Tour / Dossiers, Editions Vernazobres - Grego 2007, 114 pages.
- 2-"Internat - Mémoire Gynécologie – Obstétrique" – Illustrated fact sheets. Avi Assouline, Laurent Smadja. Collection Internat – Mémoire, Editions Vernazobres - Grego 2003, 133 pages.
- 3-"Internat - Mémoire Dermatologie" – Illustrated fact sheets. Avi Assouline. Collection Internat – Mémoire, Editions Vernazobres - Grego 2003, 2006 (2nd edition), 124 pages.
- Participation in the SIRIADE project (Internet website – radio-anatomy atlas for delineation: for the training of oncologists-radiotherapists: writing the chapter on brain tumours: “Tumeurs cérébrales” - Avi Assouline - Sophie Haberer - Jean-Jacques Mazeron (2008 and 2010).
- Article reviewer for several international scientific journals (Investigational New Drugs; Rare Tumors; Radiotherapy and Oncology; Radiation Oncology; Bulletin du Cancer; World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology; Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology).
- Member of the scientific committee on the editorial review board for the international journal: World Journal of Respirology (since February 2013).
Dr Yvan Coscas
Dr Coscas’s office:
Centre de Cancérologie de la Porte de Saint-Cloud
26 rue de Paris, 92100 Boulogne
Fax: +33 1 47 12 94 63
To make an appointment with Dr Coscas:
Call +33 1 41 10 27 20 or +33 1 41 10 27 38,
from Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm.
Specialised complementary postgraduate degree (DESC) in Oncology
- Private oncologist and radiotherapist at Porte de Saint-Cloud Oncology Centre, Boulogne (92), practising Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Curietherapy
- Head of the oncology and radiotherapy departments at Poissy-St-Germain Intercommunal Hospital Centre
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in Oncology Multidisciplinary Team Meetings (MDTMs) at Parc Monceau International Clinic
- Director of clinical oncology teaching at Paris Ouest University Hospital Centre
- Member of the
- Member of the network
- Member of the French Society for Radiation Oncology (SFRO)
- Member of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
- Member of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology & Oncology (ESTRO)
- Member of CROL
- Former resident physician (AIH)
- Former Head of Clinic – Assistant at Paris Faculty of Medicine
Click here to see list of scientific articles written by Dr Coscas.
Dr Sylvie Delanian
Dr Delanian’s office:
Medical office
2 bis rue de Bougainville
75007 Paris (Metro station École Militaire)
To make an appointment with Dr Delanian:
Click here or call +33 1 44 18 32 51,
from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.
- Specialised complementary postgraduate degree (DESC) in Oncology (1990)
- Specialised postgraduate degree (DES) in Oncology-Radiotherapy (1988)
- PhD in Life Sciences, Paris V University (1994)
- Master’s degree (DEA) in Radiobiology-Radiopathology (1991)
- Master’s degree in Biological and Medical Sciences (Statistics, Biophysics, experimental oncology) 1984-88
- Private practice (75/ 52655): Radiotherapy-Chemotherapy at Porte de Saint-Cloud Oncology Centre, Boulogne (92); chemotherapy and Multidisciplinary Team Meetings (MDTMs) at Labrouste Clinic Paris
- Hospital physician (since 1991) Radiotherapy-Curietherapy-Radiopathology, Saint-Louis Hospital, APHP, 75010 Paris
- Oncologist-Radiotherapist, member of the Oncology MDTM at Labrouste Clinic, 75010 Paris
- Teaching in specialized postgraduate degree in Oncology-Radiotherapy, University Diploma (DU) in Radiobiology, Master 2 degree in Radiobiology and University Diploma (DU) in Wound Healing and University Management
- Clinical research in Radiopathology-Fibrosis (45 international publications)
- Former Head of Clinic – Assistant at Necker Hospital, Paris 75015 (1988-90)
- Former resident physician at Hospitals of Paris (AIHP) 1984-88
- Work on radiotherapy: “Mes Carnets de Centrage” Ed Vernazobres-Grego, Paris 2010
- Click here to see list of scientific articles written by Dr Delanian.
Dr Éric Jauffret
Dr Jauffret’s office:
Centre de Cancérologie de la Porte de Saint-Cloud
37 av Victor-Hugo, 92100 Boulogne
Fax: +33 1 46 04 88 32
To make an appointment with Dr Jauffret:
Click here or call +33 1 41 10 27 55 or +33 1 41 10 27 44,
from Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm.
- Specialised postgraduate degree (DES) in Oncology – Option: Radiotherapy
- Order of Physicians registration number: 92/20963
- Interuniversity Diploma (DIU) in Thoracic Radiology
- Private oncologist and radiotherapist at Porte de Saint-Cloud Oncology Centre, Boulogne (92), practising Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Curietherapy
- Oncology consultant at Saint-Jean de Dieu Clinic (Paris 7)
- Oncology consultant at Bizet Clinic (Paris 16)
Member of the French Society for Radiation Oncology (SFRO)
- Former Head of Clinic Papeete Hospital (French Polynesia)
- Former hospital physician (Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital Group)
- Former Head of Clinic – Assistant at Paris Faculty of Medicine (Paris VI Faculty of Medicine, Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital Group)
- Former resident physician (AIH)
Click here to see list of scientific articles written by Dr Jauffret.
Dr Yves Otmezguine
Dr Otmezguine’s office:
Centre de Cancérologie de la Porte de Saint-Cloud
37 av. Victor Hugo / 30 rue de Paris, 92100 Boulogne
Fax: +33 1 46 04 88 32
To make an appointment with Dr Otmezguine:
Click here or call +33 1 41 10 27 44,
from Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm.
- Specialised postgraduate degree (DES) in Oncology – Option: Radiotherapy
- Specialised complementary postgraduate degree (DESC) in Oncology
- Order of Physicians registration number: 92/03814
- Private oncologist and radiotherapist at Porte de Saint-Cloud Oncology Centre, Boulogne (92), practising Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Curietherapy
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in Multidisciplinary Team Meetings (MDTMs) at Paris Breast Centre
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in Oncology MDTMs at Saint-Jean de Dieu Clinic (Paris)
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in Oncology MDTMs at Parly II Private Hospital (Le Chesnay)
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in Oncology MDTMs at CCBB clinic (Boulogne)
- Oncologist and radiotherapist consultant in Oncology MDTMs at Meudon Health Cluster platform
- Member of the network
- Member of the network
- Member of the network
- Member of the network
- Member of the French Society for Radiation Oncology (SFRO)
- Member of the French Cancer Society (SFC)
- Member of the French Society Private Cancer Research (SFCP)
- Former resident at the Gustave Roussy Institute
- Former Radiotherapy-Oncology Consultant at Henri Mondor University Hospital
- Former Medical Oncology Consultant at Ambroise Paré University Hospital
Click here to see list of scientific articles written by Dr Otmezguine.
Dr Jean-Nicolas Vaillant
Medical Oncologist
Dr Vaillant’s office:
Centre de Cancérologie de la Porte de Saint-Cloud
37 av Victor-Hugo
92100 Boulogne
To make an appointment with Dr Vaillant:
Call +33 1 41 10 27 44,
from Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm.
- Qualified in Medical Oncology
- Specialised complementary postgraduate degree (DESC) in Oncology
- Specialised postgraduate degree (DES) Internal Medicine
- Specialised postgraduate degree (DEA) in Hemostasis Vessel Clotting
- Medical oncologist at Porte de Saint-Cloud Oncology Centre, Boulogne (92), and at Saint-Jean de Dieu (75) Paris
- Part-time hospital physician at Georges Pompidou European Hospital, Paris (75)
- Participation as consultant oncologist in several Multidisciplinary Team Meetings
- Former Head of Clinic – Assistant at the Hospitals of Paris
- Former resident physician at the Hospitals of Paris
Click here to see list of scientific articles written by Dr Vaillant.
Other consultants
Dr Marc Irigoin-Guichandut
Nutrition doctor
Dr Irigoin-Guichandut’s office:
Centre de Cancérologie de la Porte de Saint-Cloud
30 rue de Paris, 92100 Boulogne
To make an appointment with Dr Irigoin-Guichandut:
Call +33 1 41 10 27 30,
on Monday afternoon and Thursday morning
- Doctor of Medicine
- University Diploma (DU) in clinical and therapeutic nutrition
- University Diploma (DU) in obesity medicine
- University Diploma (DU) in eating disorders
- Private nutrition doctor at Porte de Saint-Cloud Oncology Centre, Boulogne (92)
- Physician in the Endocrinology Department at Avicenne Hospital, Bobignh (93)
- Private nutrition doctor in medical offices and at Saint-Jean de Dieu Clinic, Paris (75)